Archive for March, 2009

I think my car has a little brain… and a dark, dark soul

and a dark sense of humor (respect)

2 times now, 2 TIMES, the check engine light has come on and I’ve taken it in.

Both times my mechanics have questioned my intelligence for bringing in a car for no reason.

“Your light’s not on.”

“It was when I dropped it off!”

“It’s not now.”

“Oh” (hang head in embarrassment)

car =2, Amanda =0

And isn’t it so typical that one week I pay it off and the next I have to take it in?!

Dear Car,

Thanks for making me look stupid. I’d rather look stupid though then pay to get you fixed. So keep up the good work!

Things I did this weekend that I don’t usually do

  • went to a tea party
  • canceled plans
  • stayed home sick
  • slept in my houseshoes
  • ate only white rice and bananas
  • missed church

what a crap weekend (except for dinner w/the fam and the tea party – those were fun)

oh well, can’t win ’em all!

Surprised by Joy

A couple of weeks ago I was having a conversation with a friend and he asked me what the most surprising part of my week was. I didn’t have an answer right then but as I was thinking about it later, I realized that all week I had been surprised by joy.

Sometimes it is incerdibly easy to be madly in love with my Savior. Sometimes it’s harder. I am not in one of the easiest times, although things could definitely be worse. But for the last several weeks, by God’s grace, despite circumstances, joy has been easy to come by.

I went camping this past weekend and early Saturday morning found myself on top of a mountain (mountain here defined as small hill) floored by God’s goodness and His Presence. (Later that day, on that same hill, I found myself launching off my bike into rocks and thorns, less enamored of the Lord and little more pissed off – too bad).

Anyways, I pray I can continue to be surprised by joy. Things at work at hard and I’m told they won’t get any easier as we enter the busiest season of the church thus far. And it seems like the more I try to grow in grace, the more I’m confronted with the opportunity to indulge anger and bitterness, and now, hurt.

It’s a good thing I serve a great God.

Until next time – may God’s goodness catch you off guard and delight you, too!

The Rejection of the Cross

By the time our Savior hung on the cross, He had already been mocked, beaten, spit upon, flogged, laughed at, stripped, punched and utterly humiliated. He then had to endure six hours on the cross in utter torment of body and soul.

As I have studied the crucifixion the past few weeks, I have continually been assaulted by the gravity of Christ’s loneliness on the cross. Abandoned by friends and family, He was alone. But that loneliness was nothing compared to the complete rejection and desolation He faced when The Father was forced to leave His Son.

Because God’s full wrath was put upon Christ on the cross; because all of the nastiness of our sin was placed on the shoulders of One who is sinless, God was forced to leave Jesus there alone. We hear our Savior’s agonized cry, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” and cannot fathom the pain of that truth. (Matt 27:46)

How amazing to know that we will never suffer the loss of the Father! Christ did it for us! And because Jesus did it, we will never even know a hint of that loneliness, never catch a glimpse of that rejection.

I am praying that the weight of this is not lost on me, both the weight of the hurt and the weight of the freedom that results.

May that beautiful truth color your anticipation and celebration of the Easter season.


That’s me checking things off my goals list from the beginning of the year!

And this is me with my newly paid off car!


(Thank you, Mark, for my car wash!)

(washed car not pictured)

I bought this baby with a 3 year loan to go with it. 15 months later, that crap is paid!

Let’s get one thing straight, I was not able to do this because I am good with money. I was able to do this because God is good. He’s the one in charge of my finances and I just try to be obedient. It has been such a huge blessing to see how the Lord takes care of me and meets my needs and blesses me above and beyond what I imagine. I am so excited by how He does that!!

And while we’re at it, let’s give a shout out to my amazing parents. Thanks, Mom & Dad, for training me in how to handle money.


Welcome Back, Sunshine!


She’s Here!

She has Charity’s good looks, Barry’s short height and my middle name!

Introducing: Layla Joy Keldie



She was born at 12:45pm. She weighed in at 8lbs even. Mom and baby are both doing great! Will hasn’t met his new sister yet. We’re waiting until Mom’s a little more up-and-at-’em so he doesn’t get scared.





Yay Layla!

Thanks, Jesus!

God is for Me

I is am are were was dating this great guy. Seriously, an amazing man who I would be hard pressed to find fault with. But that’s not the point.  I’ll get to the point – We’re not dating anymore. Basically, God, the author our relationship, decided not to write in part of it – the romantic, butterflies, love notes, poems, etc, part – so we’re better served as friends.

How does that make you feel? – you may ask.

The Lord has been sweet to me as I’ve worked out this relationship. If you know me at all, have read any post on here, have talked to someone who knows me, have ever looked at me, etc – you know I long for that next stage of life where I become a wife.

Relationships that don’t work out have the potential to leave me jaded, bitter, hopeless – any number of sad emotions. But as I walk through this, I am none of those things.

Instead, the Lord has answered my prayer for a guarded heart, peace and hope. It’s been really good.

Why am I sharing this? Because the theme of this processing has been “God is for Me.” No matter what happens in my relationships, in my daily life, in work, in my heart – God is for me. And He’s for my happiness and He’s for my good.

Do you hear that, people?! God is for me! God is for you! So wherever you are right now, it is God’s best for you. Alone right now is God’s best for me (not alone-alone, but you understand).

We can all forget that when faced with disappointment of any kind. I’m thankful for the reminder. Hope it serves you well, too!


On an ironic note: My last 3 relationships have ended as soon as the guy came back from being out of town for a week or more. The next guy I date CAN NEVER LEAVE TOWN!!!

love y’all!

10K (6.2 miles) Later …

The race I ran this morning, the Trinity River Levee Run, was not the race I planned on running. The original plan was an 18 mile relay – 2 -9 mile legs – but I was unsuccessful in coercing any running buddies until it was too late. Anyways, I downgraded to a 10K, but it was a really great run.

Despite being suuuuuper windy, the weather was beautiful and the temperature was amazing! The run felt great. And I think my new shoes helped a lot!

My friend, Catherine, joined me in the fun!


She’s the shiz! We had a great time.

Hoping I can get my hands on one of the race shirts, as my last race shirt ended up getting pinked in the washer. Apparently, washing all your camping gear at once is stupid when you have a pink blanket. Who knew?

Confession – half of my running mix is children’s songs that we play for the kids each Sunday. They are silly. I smile almost my whole run.

I’m afraid a half marathon might be looming if the knees keep doing me right. ah crap!

How to Get a Girl: Tip 10

Prepare yourself for marriage


Here’s some ways you can do that:

Have married men in your life. – I spend a lot – a lot! – of time with my married friends. And those women teach me more than I could ever learn without them. I watch them, I ask questions and I learn tons about communication, sacrifice, planning, submission, etc. Men need to be doing the same things. If you are only ever surrounded by your single guy friends, I don’t care how godly or wise they are –  you are not presented with good examples of marriages; you are not going to be near prepared. Also, ask them questions and listen to their answers and – if their marriage is strong – follow their advice!

Handle your finances – women are looking for their provider. So if you can’t handle your budget when it’s just you, how will you provide for a family? And that doesn’t just mean paying off debt, it means saving for a family.

Take care of yourself – Your wife will want to take care of you, but she probably won’t want to take on some hot mess who is completely out of shape and can hardly keep it together enough to stay on top of deadlines, keep a decently clean house, etc. (It’s part of growing up)

These are just 3 – not even the top 3 – but maybe they’re helpful just the same =)